Very nice job! Got a nice blossoming/blooming out at the sides...something I still keep training mine to do, but it looks like you nailed it right out. Mind showing us a better pic of the top bash? If you got that shape just about right, too, you're pretty much done!
As for the turn, yeah, it might be turned, but it doesn't look like it's turned all that much by the bow placement. But I'll take you at your word - if turning it more didn't do anything for you, then don't bother. 'Sides, how WOULD you explain the bow ending up in the front???

My only guess if the turn didn't do much for you is that your head tends to be a bit more round than oval...and that the hat is more round, too? I forget, does the Akubra come in a choice of round or oval, or just in a given size?
Beautiful job, Kobol!
EDIT: Out of curiousity, did you follow an particular tutorial, or just figure it out from pics?