and I have adapted one of he wood grips I recently got to fit. The problem though is the airsoft does not have a full handle. (The plastic grips formed around the handle whereas the wood grips are flat)
My question is #1. Which looks better, the plastic grip
or the wood grip:
I understand it seems odd to try to get a distressed realism and yet have the blaring "FAKE" orange tip but I don't want to risk any encounters. 1st it's illegal, and 2nd we had a kid killed because of toy gun here recently.
Here is a picture of the grips on their own:
And the inside of the plastic grip and the wood grip I put a gouge in to allow room for the gas tank in the middle and original wood grip far right.
And now question #2
Here is a couple of pictures with both the plastic and wood grips on and you can see where the gaps are that the wood grips allow.
Do you know of anything I can use to fill in those gaps?