agent5 wrote: i figure if indy had his hat in peru, egypt, and india, then it's good enough for me!
You are aware the Indy trilogy is just a fictional piece of entertainment and that Harrison Ford hated wearing that hat in the heat, but did it as it was his job at the time.
I just try to use common sense as a rule. When it's hot, why wear something that is made to help keep you warm?
I personally always wondered that about the films myself. Why would he be wearing a leather jacket and felt hat in the desert anyways? Never made sense to me, but nonetheless, it is cool...being a movie and all.
In any case, if you don't pass out from heat exaustion, I'm sure you'll have a fabulous time on your honeymoon. If I could live in Jamaica I would. Well, maybe a nice summer home.
These are some good points. I've thought many of the same things myself, and I have a PB Indy straw that I wear on particularly hot California days. A felt hat in the heat will make your head sopping wet (as there are no holes in these hats for ventilation like ballcaps or a fairly open weave straw hat), and make your hair all oily and grimy. On a honeymoon, you WANT your wife to be running her fingers through your hair, right?

That won't be happening if your hair feels like a used oil pan.
The heat your head generates has nowhere to go (remember that whole thing from The Matrix about BTU's of body heat?

), and stews around inside your hat, making you feel nothing but HOT. As you lose a good amount of heat through your head, conversely, the rest of your body will also feel very hot and uncomfortable if your head is not properly ventilated when you're in a very warm climate where the humidity is sure to be high. This can cause you to go through fluids like a fish to avoid dehydration (and I know that sounds extreme, but trust me, it can happen if you aren't careful).
At the San Diego Comic Con, I am always going through bottles of water every other hour or so because I am sweating so much from wearing everything, including my hat, and that's in a building that is air conditioned down to about 70 degrees.
As for the jacket, which I'm sure you're not taking to Jamaica, the same thing that happens to your head will happen to the rest of your torso, and that's no fun. I only put up with it at the SDCC because it's part of the costume, and the look. If you look at Ford's shirt in a number of scenes, it is soaked with sweat, and that's not spray bottle sweat, that's "wearing warm clothes in hundred degree Tunisian heat" sweat.
As 5 said, common sense is a good rule of thumb. Of course, if you want to get those screen accurate salt stains on your hat's ribbon, and don't mind a little trip to a foreign hospital, go for it!