This is the first you've seen of my 3 metric sizes too big Regular Federation since I enhanced the channel under the ribbon in the right front dent. (I don't need as much sweat stuffing as before with the bigger pleat.) It's almost a perfect Raiders hat now in my opinion -back tilt, deep top dent, not much side taper, and it actually HAS a hefty pleat in the right front dent, just like the Raiders hat.. (only problem- it's greenish o ). The Regular just has a fuller crown than a Deluxe in size 59. That's why I didn't make my "movie" with my Deluxe. I think 59 is where they start stretching them on the heated expanding block. My guess is the Deluxe kind of snaps back, while the Regular gets ripped up a bit and stays that way.
Thanks Gorak. I might throw some dirt on it. Besides the new bigger pleat, I also ironed the right side of the brim. .. I feel satisfied for the first time since I started my search for THE hat. I could buy an oversized AB and get the same results and a better, browner felt. Only problem with that is, it's reported the Raiders hat was formed on a heated expanding block. This 59 Reg Fed is obviously finished that way, and I've seen the evidence of the process on the movie hat. I'd like to find a vintage HJ Australian Model given it's final crown shape on the heated expanding block.
Really makes me happy to know you think it looks close, Fedora. The mods and hat size were what it took on a Regular Fed with my head shape. Maybe some of these mods were in effect to some degree on the Raiders hat- maybe not. :arrow: