New Indy-esque Shirt at Old Navy... And an introduction...

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New Indy-esque Shirt at Old Navy... And an introduction...

Post by TheJonesBoys »

Hey All!
Wer'e the Jones Boys! (Tommy & Trevor: Indy Enthusiasts)

My brother and I have been checking out these boards for quite a while now, and only recently did we finally decide to join your ranks. We love Indy and thought "The Jones Boys" would be a fitting moniker for us.

On to the topic at hand.

Yesterday, I (Trevor) was at the mall and thought I'd have a look around Old Navy. I know, I know. Old Navy=Uber-trendy store, but they occasionally carry some neat stuff. Anyhow, I went to Old Navy not expecting to find anything of interest, but boy was I mistaken. They have a very nice "close enough" Indy shirt. My brother (Tommy) has a Magnoli Indy shirt and compared to it, the color is very similar. The Navy shirt has seams down the front but are a bit thin and do not go through the front pockets. The shirt is missing the epaulettes on the shoulders, but thats not a real big deal to me. Under the jacket who's gonna know? And at $24.99 I think its a pretty good buy. It also has a pocket on the right shoulder, while not accurate, is useful and cool. Overall, its a very nice shirt for anyone who can't affort a real deal Indy like the Wested, MBL, or Magnoli offerings. It's cheap and it does the job.

Here's some pics. Dial up beware...






Here's some pics of me in the shirt...



And for good measure... Me in the shirt and my Wested...


Sorry the last pic isnt all that great... We'll get some better ones together real soon!

So, there you have it. An inexpensive close enough shirt at mass retail. Hope you guys dig it!

The Jones Boys
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Post by Farnham54 »

Thanks Trevor!

That is a pretty reasonable off-the-shelf substitute, I must say.

I'll check out my Old Navy and see what I can see.

Welcome to COW--I'm sure you guys will enjoy it here.

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Post by Indiana Jerry »

hmm...for some reason, I can't see your pics...but my computers a bit wonky tonight, so it's probably just on my end...

...but is this the one you're talking about? ... pid=387194

That's not a bad find at all...

...and hey, WELCOME TO COW! :wink:
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Post by Pitfall Harry »

Hey, that's a great shirt. I'm going to have to check that shirt out tonight. Do you know the name brand of the shirt?

I wonder if you could find extra material for the shoulders at a hobby store and how hard it would be to attcach them.

Even without the shoulder epaulettes it still looks great. I can always use an extra shirt.
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Post by J_Weaver »

Thats a good find! And welcome to COW! :D
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Post by Herr Jones »

Welcome to COW Boys, :-k

Looks like you beat me to it, I saw that shirt also. So I'll just add that it's thin and light weight great for the warmer weather.

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Post by Lord_Clarence »


For the lay person, that's a great adventure shirt! I like the seam running vertically through the pockets--we don't see that too often in off-the-shelf brick and mortar store products, do we? I could be mistaken.

I don't have any even "close enough" shirts.* I'll have to make a trip to the Old Navy.

Lord Clarence MacDonald

* Don't let my avatar fool you: that's a dark brown Faded Glory short sleeve shirt. With the sun glare and some photoshop, it looks the part here.
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Post by Antone »

Hi Trevor,

Good find; I'll be checking that later today, so thanks for posting this. Out of curiosity, what kind of hat are wearing in the last pic?

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Post by G-MANN »


Welcome to C.O.W. :D What a great 1st post, I have already ordered a shirt. :tup: With posts like this you will be a valued member here.

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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Wow, I couldn't see the pics before today...that shirt is SO close for a commercial option, it's almost worth finding the company and seeing if they'll make another version w/ a few mods... just epaulettes and wider seams (and no sleeve pocket) and it would be PRETTY DARN CLOSE ENOUGH!

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Post by TheJonesBoys »

Antone wrote:Hi Trevor,

Good find; I'll be checking that later today, so thanks for posting this. Out of curiosity, what kind of hat are wearing in the last pic?

Welcome aboard! Now that you've joined, your wallet may never be the same :wink:

Hey Guys,

Trevor here. Thanks for all the kind words and warm welcome. I know we are just going to love it here. I'm also glad you guys dig the shirt. It really is pretty nice and this is definately the folk who would appreciate it.

Antone, to answer your question, I am wearing one of the cheap Disney wool hats. I re-pinched the crown to better resemble Indy's. It's not great, but servicable in a pinch. It's a stop gap meaure really. I've had it for years, but I'm on the look out for a real one, if the price is reasonable...

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Post by Pitfall Harry »

Well, I went to Old Navy and found the shirt. I didn't have to search long for the shirt because they had them right up front.

There are two versions of this shirt. The color shown above and a pure white. I tried on both. I didn't care for the pure white at all even though I thought it would be closest to the Raiders shirt. I guess you could call the other an off-white or cream color. To me this looks more like the Raiders shirt or TOD it could go either way depending on the lighting. In that respect it's similar to the Dillard's pants.

The shirt itself is very light weight and is 100% cotton. It to me seems more like something he would have worn in the movies. I was getting pretty warm in my Cabela's shirt yesterday and I haven't worn my Wearguard shirt out to much yet but I'm guessing this shirt is going to be perfect for the summer.

Even though it doesn't have the epaulettes and it has the small pocket on the sleeve it doesn't really make a difference because for some reason this shirt just screams Indy!

I would highly recommend this shirt as a "close enough" and don't let it pass you by.

Thanks for pointing this shirt out Jones Boys. :tup: :clap:

Leave it to "new blood" to find a great bargin like this. :D
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Post by Pitfall Harry »

Ha! You know me and my shirts. I just couldn't pass this up. If I had the "know how" and money I would have bought two and used the other for material, but... With this shirt I really don't miss the epaulettes to be honest because it's the right color, weight and it has the pleats. I also like the way it looks from behind.

I need to see how it looks with my Dillards pants.

It's to bad I couldn't have gotten a couple pairs of those pants. It would be nice to have a couple pairs of outfits just incase one gets messed up.

We need to keep an eye on these so if or when they go on sale we can "stock up" on them. Ha! It's once in great while that stuff like this just appears in a regular store.

Now I just have to figure out how to pay for the Akubra Fed. Deluxe!
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Post by Prof. Ed »

G-MANN wrote:Trevor,

Welcome to C.O.W. :D What a great 1st post, I have already ordered a shirt. :tup: With posts like this you will be a valued member here.


You'll have to let us know if it is tapered. I need to wear a fuller cut at my age :wink:

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Post by G-MANN »

Ed, I will if Ken does not beat me to it :wink:

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Post by J_Weaver »

Great pics Ken!

It looks like I may be going to Old Navy soon. :wink:
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Thanks for the pics,'re dead on in your assessment, that shirt really does scream Indy. (Needs wrinkling, man!) ;)
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Post by Pitfall Harry »

Mines wrinkled but I think it needs washed and ironed first to get some of the kinks out from when it was at the store.

Blues, the shirt looks good and goes really well with the pants too! :tup: :D

By the way I just ordered my Akubra Fed Deluxe! :D
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Post by J_Weaver »

Well, I'm just back from Old Navy! :wink:

This is indeed a nice shirt. For $25 its the best close enough IMO. The 100% cotton will certainly be more comfortable than the blend the Cabelas shirt is made of. The color is nice and looks pretty screen accurate to me. Like the rest of you guys said it will look better once its been washed.

I'll give this one two thumbs up! :tup: :tup:

Thanks again to TheJonesBoys for finding it! :D
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Post by Indakin »

wowwww that really is a sick indy shirt, i cant wait to pick one up this week at my local old navy. Luckily the week ends on wed for me because of the holiday weekend. Ill def be swinging by their tomorrow night or thursday morning. I do wish that the epaulets were on it, but u guys are right, the color, weight, fit, pleats, and pockets look very good, so the lack of epaulets isnt as big a deal. U can easily add them urself later. I might by 2 as well. Here i go again, i thought id save some money for my ani updates, but indy is sucking me back in too lol. Great find guys!
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Post by G-MANN »


Where have you been MAN :?:

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Post by Pitfall Harry »

Well, between buying this shirt and my Akubra Deluxe I'm done with the Indy gear for the moment. :)

I've got everything but the gun right now so I'm pretty much set, heck I've even got three shirts and now two hats!.

I did by the way see another shirt at Target today that had the pleats just like on this one. The one sleeve had a small fake pocket on it but it didn't look nearly as nice as this. The front pockets were to small and they had some type of plain material at the top of each one which took away from the Indy look. It came in white and a very dark tan. It also didn't have epaulettes either. The shirt was however cheaper than this Old Navy shirt. It was about $18 or so price wise. It also was 100% cotton.

I think we lucked out with this Old Navy shirt. :)
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Post by Canyon »

The Jones Boys, welcome! :D

You'll have a blast here! :P
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Post by G-MANN »

I just watched an Old Navy commercial and one of the guys is wearing this shirt :wink:

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Post by Indakin »

G-MANN wrote:Bryan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where have you been MAN :?:

LOL im still here guys, im just not posting as often since i have all my gear now. I have been reading posts more than anything recently. Plussss i kinda got more involved with my Anakin gear again since i officially became a member of the 501st on my 21st bday sat. My number is SL-4885. Check out pics of the event at this page Click the gallery on the homepage, and ull see me more on the last couple pages.

I actually met a guy at the event who was rocking the HJ indy hat, and an indy type safari shirt. It was so funny, because in a sec i knew exactly that he was wearing and indy hat. I told him all about COW and said to check it out, because tis the best forum around for indy info.

I just picked up my old navy shirt and it is very nice and soft. Definitely a great buy, best close enough ive ever seen. Im pretty sure that sleeve pocket could be removied easlily with the little stiching removal tool my mom has. I only bought one shirt though, ill deal with the lack of epaults.

I actually found a pair of DKNY pants at tjmax when i was out also. Had awesome feel, correct rear pockets with no extra stitching, they looked like the pockets on the magnoli pants. IT also had button up fly, and was a nice darker kaki color. They were origi9onaly 145 bucks but now only $22. They were a little tigher down the leg than the dillards, and they didnt have the front pleats, so i said nahhh. They were very nice pants though, i might have bought them a month or so ago, but not now.
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Can't add much here - picked up that same shirt at lunch, cheap pricetag, but nice and soft. ("Breathes like Egyptian cotton." - Edna Mode, The Incredibles)

What is w/ the funky leather patches at the bottom of the sideseams? All I can figure is they are anchors to keep the shirt from coming untucked at it's shortest points...or it's a 'style accent', and the designer dreamed of it being worn untucked...hehehehe...he's going to be the laughingstock of his designer friends when his attempt at a 'rugged look' get commandeered by Indiana Jones fans... ;)

Prof. Ed - I've finally put a bit on around the middle - just a bit, really :roll: - and this shirt is not tight or uncomfortable. The taper is minor, if there at all - it might even just be a bit of illusion caused by the back seams. It fits fine.

Think I'll wear it w/ my officer's pinks tomorrow...I've got to give a briefing. ;)

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Post by Pitfall Harry »

Yeah, the "leather tags" at the bottom are rather odd but their so small that you really can't see them. Although, it really doesn't matter because I would wear the shirt tucked in anyways.....unless I'm being roughed up by Nazis's.....Man, I hate those guys!! :)
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Ken, those are some great pics of this shirt! Wow, apart from the lack of epaulets, it's pretty darn good! Would the sleeve pocket come off without leaving stitch marks? Hmmm... an excuse to get another shirt?
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Post by Indakin »

Bink u should really go pick one up or at least look at it. Its such a soft shirt, ull fall in love with it instantly.
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Post by Pitfall Harry »

binkmeisterRick wrote: Hmmm... an excuse to get another shirt?

You can never have to many "Indy shirts", I'm proof of that. :lol:
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Post by J_Weaver »

I thought the leather (or should I say fake leather) tabs are kinda strange. :?

Bink, I was wondering the samething about the sleeve pocket. Anyone want to give it a try? :wink:
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Post by Pitfall Harry »

Actually, a few people have thought about buying second shirt to use the material to modify this shirt. I would think removing the pocket would leave an outline of it on the sleeve, but I could be wrong.

Personally I don't find it an issue. It's so small and the color of the shirt is so light that you can hardly see it. Plus, if your wearing the jacket no one is going to notice that or the missing epaulettes.

I wonder if you could buy material from Magnoli pretty cheap and use that to modify the shirt since he has the same color of fabric?
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

binkmeisterRick wrote:Would the sleeve pocket come off without leaving stitch marks?
...maybe after a couple washes, I think. It is just thread-sewn onto the sleeve, so unlike putting a hole through leather, if the cotton sleeve can relax and resettle (wash and dry), there may not be a lasting impression of the pocket.

But is actually IS a pretty nice pocket...they put expansion seams all around the outside of it (double-seams, one over the other accordion-style), so if you put something in it the pocket can expand outward a little. Neat little addition on what initially appears to just be a bit of throw-away styling.

On second thought, the flimsy excuse for the leather tags is they brace the side seams, where a shirt could rip. Of course, I've only ever had one shirt in my life go at a side seam, so it's an affectation at best.

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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Ragingblues wrote:I like this shirt enough just to wear in everyday life, just like it is. So, I am now torn between these options:

1. Buy a second shirt. Remove the right sleeve (along with the questionable pocket), Take the extra material from the sleeve to put epaulets and bigger pleats on it. Then I would have a TOD style shirt to further distress. The question is, is there enough material on one sleeve to do the pleat and epaulet additions? It would be very close at best.

2. Buy a second shirt. Remove the sleeve pocket. Trim some extra material off the bottom of the shirt to make epaulets with. Then I would have a second Indy shirt (to go along with my Magnoli one), but with "close enough" pleats.

3. Buy two more shirts. Cut the third up to make the second one just right, with epaulets and larger pleats. This would be in case there is not enough material to do so, with just the removed sleeve in option # 1.

4. Don't buy another one. This one is fine as it is, to be worn under the jacket... where epaulets and pleats don't matter anyway.

As usual with Indy gear, there are always choices to make. But, I must choose wisely..... :wink:

Any thoughts?

Buy 4.
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Post by Pitfall Harry »

I would also suggest option 4, Blues. If your going to buy another one then do it because you want a backup incase something happens to this one.

Unless your really good at sewing and have extra material on hand then I wouldn't try and mess with it.

I didn't really examine the shirt closely until Jerry said something about the small pocket. It is really nice and it doesn't seem like a throw away part of the shirt. They did try an actually make it functional. I would suggest carrying your COW Challenge coin in it. :)

I am still thinking about picking another one up if they go on sale. Hopefully they won't run out of the cream colored and have just the white.
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Pitfall Harry wrote:I would also suggest option 4, Blues.
No, really, I meant BUY FOUR OF THEM. I wear shirts like this anyway, why not buy 4/$100 (if it's in your clothing budget, that is)? Then you can cut up one or two for experiments if you want, and still have 'stock' shirts if you want them. If they were $5 it would be a no-brainer...oohh...could you imagine if THESE went on SALE??? Probably be $15 or less. Then I'd definitely grab a few. Even the white ones - they can always be Ritt dyed, right?
Pitfall Harry wrote:I didn't really examine the shirt closely until Jerry said something about the small pocket. It is really nice and it doesn't seem like a throw away part of the shirt. They did try an actually make it functional. I would suggest carrying your COW Challenge coin in it.
Now THAT is an excellent idea! Okay, I think this just might become my 'Summit Shirt'...
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Indiana Jerry wrote:
Pitfall Harry wrote:I didn't really examine the shirt closely until Jerry said something about the small pocket. It is really nice and it doesn't seem like a throw away part of the shirt. They did try an actually make it functional. I would suggest carrying your COW Challenge coin in it. :)
Now THAT is an excellent idea! Okay, I think this just might become my 'Summit Shirt'... ;)
(psst...Michaelson...look, a SHIRT with a 'watchpocket'... ;) )
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Post by Indakin »

well i washed my xl shirt, and wore it out to dinner tonight and it fit perfect. Soooo soft and tight. Im gonna wear this as my indy shirt from now on. If i could get epaults on it , then its perfect. Im gonna by a 2nd i think.
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Yeah, mine came out of the dryer none the worse for it yesterday as well...good shirt. Good enough to pick up a couple more, white and cream. Heck, then I can start playing w/ the Ritt...wonder what it will look like w/ a wee bit of Pearl Grey in it... ;)
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Post by Pitfall Harry »

Man, I don't know if I would mess with the dye. I think the shirts color is about dead on when it comes to what the film shirt looked like.

I think I will eventually buy another one just so I have two but it won't be for a while unless they start selling out or decide to get rid of them then I'll grab one sooner.
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Me and the missus did some shopping for work clothes yesterday and after several shops, I mentioned the shirt at Old Navy. She said we should check it out, so we drove over for our last stop. Sure enough, I found the shirt and really liked it from the get go. Since many shirt manufacturers are sized inconsistently, I took both a medium and a large to the fitting room. Usually, a medium fits me everywhere but the neck, so I often have to go for a large and make do. However, the Old Navy medium fit me perfectly! I was happily surprised! The only problem is that now I have to buy my shirts at Old Navy! #-o ](*,) :lol:

I like the shirt. Even the wife thinks it looks good on me. I thought the sleeve pocket would bother me, but I actually like it. I even like having an Indyish shirt without the epaulets. I got the "off white" as opposed to the stark white. What color did the rest of you pick up? At any rate, you're right, Indakin, I love this shirt! Good find, JonesBoys!

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Post by G-MANN »

I got both colors, they are great comfortable shirts. Mine even came with a hole for my Neck :lol:

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Post by Prof. Ed »

G-MANN wrote:Bink,
I got both colors, they are great comfortable shirts. Mine even came with a hole for my Neck :lol:


I found out that the hole for the neck comes in handy :shock:

Well, how did you find the fit? Big enough for a 44" chest and 38" waist?

The others thought that they weren't tapered much, if it all.

To think back in the Vietnam Era I wore 41 jacket and 31 pants. Now this is scary :roll: Of corse looking back at that time period in history is even more so. Almost as scary as I see things now!

Thanks guys for your reviews. John let me know your feelings on size.

Best regards,

Prof. Ed
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Post by Pitfall Harry »

binkmeisterRick wrote: I got the "off white" as opposed to the stark white. What color did the rest of you pick up? bink

I bought the "off white" shirt. I tried on the white and I didn't care for it. I have a enough white shirts and since I was shopping for another Indy shirt I wanted to go with the other color because it is more accurate.

I hope they keep these shirts around for a while.
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Post by Indakin »

i got the offwhite as well. I didnt even see a white version, just some cowboy looking version next to it. Its so much more comfortable to wear this shirt than the WPG version, so much softer and more natural feeling.
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

G-MANN wrote:Bink,
I got both colors, they are great comfortable shirts. Mine even came with a hole for my Neck :lol:

Makes a difference this time, doesn't it? :lol: :wink:
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Post by G-MANN »


Since I have a neck and a head, Yes. :D

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Post by Kt Templar »

Ragingblues wrote:"Mama Fu's Asian House" for dinner last night, Ken
Someone is having a little joke with you. "Ma Ma Fu" is slang for "not very good". :)
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Post by Prof. Ed »

The shirts are nice. They fit well. I'm washing them now and seeing what will happen :wink:

Best regards,

prof. ed
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Pitfall Harry wrote:Man, I don't know if I would mess with the dye. I think the shirts color is about dead on when it comes to what the film shirt looked like.
My point is I actually like these shirts even aside from being an Indy shirt. So I'm picking up a few more - this is the kind of stuff I wear everyday. But since there are only two colors...I might make a few more myself. Too bad I tossed out the rest of that egg dye...hmm... ;)
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