
In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Post by GrailHunter »

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Post by greatgarlando »

Man I hope that it is just someone playing a bad joke on you. :cry:
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Post by G-MANN »

I am sooooooooooo sorry to hear that news. Theives, SCUM of the earth.

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Post by Bufflehead Jones »


It sounds like a bad joke and I think you will eventually get the hat back. In a theft like that, the most desirable thing would have been the cash. Once the suspect gets away, the cash would not be able to be identified as your money, unless you wrote down the serial numbers. People don't generally write down the serial numbers for bills that they have in their wallet.

The whole principle of crime prevention is to increase the risk of the suspect to make it greater than the reward. In this case, the suspect passed up unidentifiable cash that he could use to purchase whatever he wants, for a custom made, easily identifiable hat.

Was there any damage done during the theft such as a broken lock? Or, was entry gained without doing any damage? If there was damage done, it may indicate that it was not a prank. That would be risking a lot for a prank.
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Post by Mulceber »

I'm inclined to agree with Bufflehead. If this weren't a prank, I think they would have made a bee-line for your wallet/credit card numbers. The fact that they went for the hat seems to indicate that someone at work is just having fun with you, but I could be wrong. :junior: -IJ
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Post by GrailHunter »

It's definately not a joke, the locker is in two halves, the top being of mesh and used to store caps and helmets etc. This part was wrecked, and it would only have taken the same amount of force to gain entrance into the main body of the locker. My AB was targeted over everything else. Someone must have wanted it really badly :x

This kind of thing happening where I work is too serious to be taken as a joke, you don't just break into an officers locker as a prank.
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Post by BendingOak »

I think you should change the thread title to stolen AB fedora. This way everyne here will take a peek in the thread. That way you will have more people looking out for you hat.
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

That is why I was asking about damage. If there is damage done, it is a little hard for them to say that they were just pulling a prank as they have commited a crime by forcing entry into the locker.

I thought if there was no damage, then maybe they found the door unlocked and just took the opportunity to pull a prank. Unfortunately, it doesn't sound like a prank from what you have said.

It is hard to believe that there was cash right there and they didn't take it. Of course, no one ever said that crooks were smart. If they were all that smart, they wouldn't get caught.
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Post by ob1al »

We're any other lockers broken into, or only yours?

Given that they did not steal your wallet (and assuming no other lockers were targeted) it seems to me that the thief knew exactly what they were looking for - the hat. It sounds suspicious, a hat is not something your run of the mill thief would specifically target IMO. I agree that it could perhaps be a personal vendetta.

Who knew you kept your hat in that locker? Is it the same locker you use everyday? Anyone have an axe to grind with you or a problem with you wearing the hat?

Sorry you had such a bad day, anyway. Maybe the hat will get back to you, here's hoping.
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Post by Canyon »

GH, I'm really sorry to hear about this. :(

I hope you get your hat back real soon.
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Post by Mulceber »

It's definately not a joke, the locker is in two halves, the top being of mesh and used to store caps and helmets etc.
Okay, then, you're right, that definitely isn't a joke. I'm sorry I questioned your judgement there, it's just that hats aren't usually the target of robberies (although I know a while ago Indy Magnoli had his HJ stolen in church). I'm sorry for your loss. :junior: -IJ
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Post by GrailHunter »

Okey dokey,

Title changed, thanks for that sound advice.

This is not the first time I've worn my AB to work, so many people knew it was there.

Secondly, no-one in their right mind would target a CO as a joke or as a vendetta, in fact due to my personal history within the service, I am quite popular. I doubt PIRA would target my hat, although it has proven quite effective, if they did :?

Anyway, I wish they had taken the cash, LV wallet, Amex and old Omega, and left my hat. It meant more to me than money, and it can't be replaced, but you all know what I mean.

Thanks for the sympathy people, it's appreciated :)
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Post by 3thoubucks »

What's the mystery? The Raiders Fedora is the coolest thing on earth. More desireable than money. And I guess the AB is the only hat available that has the original Poet block. I bet if the guy had Steve's AB web adress, and knew he could buy one, he wouldn't have gone insane with desire and stold it. Why don't you put a note on the wall explaining this and asking for your hat back? An AB ROTLA fedora is even better than a clear concious, but the guy could have both.
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Post by Strider »

Gosh. I am sorry to hear about this, pal. I heard Magnoli's story, too, and that upset me just as much as this does. How in the Sam Hill are you going to steal that hat? It's not like if you or your friends saw it floating around town that you wouldn't recognize it immediately. I once had someone try to pick my pocket at a convention. Luckily, I had my wallet in the cargo pocket of my Wested. Geeze.

I'm as mystified as Bufflehead is. All that cash and the other goodies were right there, and they took the hat? I'd figure it would all be gone, if anything. That is just too coincidental, as such, I would guess that someone in your workplace had something to do with it.

I'll check ebay when the thought crosses my mind for your hat.
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Is there any way the hat could've been stored in a visually protected part of your locker? Don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming you in the least for anything, but I'm very protective of my hats, so if I use a locker, I'll usually hang it on something in the main compartment if that keeps it out of sight when I'm not around. Heck, I've even covered my hats before.

I think this stinks. I'd be the same way as you by being more upset over the hat gone than the wallet. The hat is just as much a part of you whereas the wallet is just a wallet. If anything, your AB has a VERY distinctive look to it. Keep your eyes peeled for hat wearers, too.
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Post by Hemingway Jones »

binkmeisterRick wrote:I think this stinks. I'd be the same way as you by being more upset over the hat gone than the wallet. The hat is just as much a part of you whereas the wallet is just a wallet. If anything, your AB has a VERY distinctive look to it. Keep your eyes peeled for hat wearers, too.
Hmm. The irony, the irony...

What a strange thing to happen. I mean, who steals a hat? It's not easy to conceal and they can never wear it around you or anyone you know.

I would put the word out; chances are someone you know knows where it is and who took it.

I'm sorry this happened to you.
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Post by Antone »

Strider wrote:
I'll check ebay when the thought crosses my mind for your hat.

You might want to send some sort of notification to stores in the area that sell used or vintage men's clothing, and perhaps offer a reward for its return. That way at least you will have people with your phone number watching for brown fedoras in places where a thief might try to make some money off of it.

In my experience sometimes people swipe items like this because they think they can resell them at a profit; I've known friends who have had fencing equipment stolen from their car, or people try to steal exotic birds just because they figure it's something unusual and therefore a source of quick cash. Junkies in particular seem prone to this kind of logic. If that's the case there's a good chance you can get it back if you put the word around, since that kind of bozo often just sells the hat to someone for whatever they can get once they realize they can't get hundreds of dollars/pounds/euros for it.

In any case, I'm sorry to hear this, and I hope you get your lid back and they bust the creep who took it.

Best of luck,

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Post by Michaelson »

I've been mulling this over, and I'm afraid that I'd be a LOT more concerned about this situation than just over a lost hat. You're a CO...a Lt. Comm. in the RN, and someone just walzed unseen and undetected into YOUR locker room, rifled open a closed up locker to steal a HAT?!Nothing else touched?!

In this dangerous day and age of terrorism, and the business YOU'RE in, my friend, I think you have more of a problem there than just the loss of your beloved AB. :shock:

Hope you find the individual....and quickly. I think they were just trying to prove a point. :-k

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Post by Feraud »

Sorry to hear about your loss Grailhunter. Your hat will eventually be replaced and probably with a beaver AB this time. :wink:
After reading the thread I could not agree with Michaelson more!
What happened strikes me as very disconcerting. I would be extremely concerned with security in the area.
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Post by darthjones »

Check this out too - given the head size involved, its possible that who ever took it has the same size head. ??? Who has a size 7 and would also know your head size? To zero in on just the AB and not be sure of the fit? I mean, do you think this person would go through that trouble and ignore your wallet on the chance that it would just sit around and look good??

Just a thought - not a super strong one but just a thought.

***** hard. I am ticked about it just reading it.
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Post by J_Weaver »

I agree Michealson. Bizarre is the only word I can think of to describe this situation. It sounds almost like a prank in a high school locker room. But this happening to a Lt. Cdr. in the RN is nuts!

GH, I sure hope you can catch up with the guy who did this.
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Post by agent5 »

Sorry to hear about your loss.

It seems to me someone wanted to target JUST the hat. Perhaps someone thinks you look stupid wearing it and they just wanted to get rid of it. Kind of an 'I'll show him', sorta thing.
I'd have checked all the garbage cans around there to make sure some kids didn't throw it away on you just for kicks.

It seems most AB owners would, in a sick way, cherrish an opportunity like this. An opportunity to place another order for an AB. Now, if someone would just hand you the money for one...
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Post by G-MANN »

agent5 wrote:
It seems most AB owners would, in a sick way, cherrish an opportunity like this. An opportunity to place another order for an AB. Now, if someone would just hand you the money for one...
I already own 2 AB's, ARE YOU CALLING ME SICK :!: :?:
I find that very offensive.

I sincerely doubt that GrailHunter Cherishes having his locker broken into and having his hat stolen so he can shell out the money for a new one.
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Post by agent5 »

When I say, 'In a sick way', I mean because it was stolen.

It just seems that the AB crowd are so fanatical that some may take a bad scene like this and turn it around into something positive, such as having the opportunity to place an order for another...then the wait...then posting about the wait...then posting about how the post office left it somewhere else...then the post about how you got it back...then the post about opening the box and how awesome it is...then the replies where people ask for pics of another AB which looks exactly the same as the last 100 we've seen...then the post with the added pics...then the post about how awesome everyone else thinks it looks and wishes you to wear it in good health.

It seem all of this has become part of buying the AB. Pretty much, a good majority of members go through this ritual or one very, very similar. Also, don't forget about the follow-up posts where we find out what the AB looks like after months of wearing it...pretty much what everyone elses looks like after months of wearing it.

See, I thought the entire process of ordering one of these is fairly enjoyable to most people who own them and all I was saying is that GrailHunter can now go through all of this again. The only sucky thing is that he has to pay for it. :cry:
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Post by G-MANN »

I would say just having his locker broken into and having his privacy violated is Sucky in itself. None the less having the hat stolen.

I had a bike stolen out of a storage locker and there was nothing plesant about it even though Insurance paid for it. Had I caught them I would have put a .357 slug through their head.

As far as all those posts and threads about "My New AB" " I ordered a Wested" Etc. Etc. So what, nobody forces us to read anything posted here that we don't want to.
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Post by agent5 »

As far as all those posts and threads about "My New AB" " I ordered a Wested" Etc. Etc. So what, nobody forces us to read anything posted here that we don't want to.
Couldn't agree with you more and most of the time I don't. When I do though, they are very funny to me how all of those types of threads mirror each other so well in almost every way.
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Post by GrailHunter »

I know what you mean agent5, although cherishing this moment hasn't quite kicked in yet :wink:
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Post by Michaelson »

GrailHunter wrote: Unfortunately due to the ranks involved, things have gotten so serious about this now, the person that did it will not be likely to put it back when they realize they got the wrong person.

Looks like I've seen the last of it...... bugger.
That crossed my mind as well. I mean it really took a mental giant to steal a Lt. Commander's personal possession, then fess up to the deed. If it were me, that hat is not only long gone, but more than likely will NEVER be seen again. Period. :?

I'd just mark it up as another one of those useless experiences and save up for a replacement, as that's a goner. I REALLY HOPE you prove me wrong on this too, but that's my read on the situation.. :(

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Post by Capt_Zak »

Ragingblues wrote:Joy is hard to contain, spreads like wildfire, and is usually welcomed by most people.
Amen to that Ragingblues! I would rather read 500 posts about how happy someone is with their new AB, than the sometimes childish debates about prop details that can't be seen with the naked eye. :D
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Post by agent5 »

I would rather read 500 posts about how happy someone is with their new AB, than the sometimes childish debates about prop details that can't be seen with the naked eye.
OOohhhh.....you must be a Nascar fan. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Capt_Zak »

agent5 wrote:
I would rather read 500 posts about how happy someone is with their new AB, than the sometimes childish debates about prop details that can't be seen with the naked eye.
OOohhhh.....you must be a Nascar fan. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Nope...never watched a single race. Why did you assume that?
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

I guess he assumed that you read one post per lap. What happens if they are on a road course? You can read longer posts, but just not as many?
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Post by Indiana Blooze »

Wait minute, I thought I was the NASCAR guy here!!!
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Post by JAN »

Does it look like this one..:


Sorry, haven' t seen it.. :roll:

But don´t worry. When they find Steve´s business-card stuck
inside the sweatband, they´ll know what to do... :wink:

(sorry can´t quote the card inhere - I´ll be banned forever and
only be able to post on Lost Pages - can´t have that)

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Post by BendingOak »

Jan, what happen to your hat. :?
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Post by agent5 »

Jan, what happen to your hat.
What do you mean? THATS a Raiders hat right there. Do you mean, 'What did you do to it to make it look so good?'.
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

Indiana Blooze wrote:Wait minute, I thought I was the NASCAR guy here!!!
I drove race cars at Daytona, Pocono, Charlotte, Watkins Glen, and places like that. Does that count?
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Post by J_Weaver »

Bufflehead Jones wrote:
Indiana Blooze wrote:Wait minute, I thought I was the NASCAR guy here!!!
I drove race cars at Daytona, Pocono, Charlotte, Watkins Glen, and places like that. Does that count?
Cool Buff! I knew you had done some racing, but nothing like that. :tup:
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Post by JAN »

Jan, what happen to your hat.
Dusted it, kicked it around, sat on it. Had Henry sit on it. Dusted it again
wore it in all weather :D

And it aint over yet :wink:

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Post by VP »

JAN wrote:I´ll be banned forever and
only be able to post on Lost Pages
It closed down 1½ months ago.
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Post by Fedora »

Does it look like this one..:

Now, that is how I like my hats to look!!! I know most guys like to keep that pristine shape to it, and I do so on a few, but my daily hats all look like that. I want my hats to look like I have taken it on dangerous adventures, eventhough, I seldom do. :lol: Regards, Fedora

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Best regards

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Post by Indiana Blooze »

Bufflehead Jones Wrote:
I drove race cars at Daytona, Pocono, Charlotte, Watkins Glen, and places like that. Does that count?
You are da' man Buf'. I'm tryin' to figure out a way to trade Ryan Newman or David Stremme, both graduates of my fine high school, some seat time in a fire truck for some seat time in one of their cars.
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

SHHHHHHHHHH!......Thanks guys, but I'm trying to lay low so Michaelson won't shoot at me for hi jacking another thread. I know I've seen that old car of his lurking around here somewhere. :shock:
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Post by Michaelson »

Shoot low boys....he's a crawling!!! :? :wink:

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Post by Heyjude7 »

Im sorry bout your loss. I am currently serving in the US Navy and if some1 stole my CO's fedora or something of his, there would be a stand down and no one would be allowed to leave the ship and all work would stop and that person would be caught. Stealing from a CO is pretty dangerous and i dont know how some1 would do it. If the hat gets tossed around ( no pun intended) to get Grail hunter a new AB .. count me in for a donation! :lol:
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Post by LeatherneckJones »

GrailHunter wrote:It's gotta have been a Royal Marine that took it, we always try to keep shiny things away from them :)
Hey, Hey, HEY NOW!!!

I've got to say that it is nice to see how much the Navy (of any country) loves their Marines!! LOL

GH, I'm very sorry to hear of this incident. It definately puts a sour taste in my mouth... :?
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Post by Ark Hunter »

Capt_Zak wrote:
agent5 wrote:
I would rather read 500 posts about how happy someone is with their new AB, than the sometimes childish debates about prop details that can't be seen with the naked eye.
OOohhhh.....you must be a Nascar fan. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Nope...never watched a single race. Why did you assume that?
I belive there's something about repetitiveness in there...or maybe it's just the 500. Wait, that's Indy cars. ;)

Man that stinks GrailHunter. Hope it turns out well.
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Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

J_Weaver wrote:
Bufflehead Jones wrote: I drove race cars at Daytona, Pocono, Charlotte, Watkins Glen, and places like that. Does that count?
Cool Buff! I knew you had done some racing, but nothing like that. :tup:
Yeah, he was the number 1 pace car driver. (joking)
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Post by Farnham54 »

At his age, the only pace he's setting is one that elicits a lot of curses from the people behind him ;)

Just playin' with ya, Buff! He's got some darn good racing stories to tell, I encourage people to hit him up for them.

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