After reading the thread where Fedora was saying his felt was better for a Raiders bash than Last Crusade, I was wondering if the felt that Marc is using for the Deluxe is any better for the Last Crusade styling?
Marc and/or Fedora, would you mind chiming in on this one . I'm only gonna have 1 lid for the Last Crusade bash and I want it to be the best one. I have 3 Raiders right now, but wondering if I should just go with an Akubra Fed Deluxe for the Crusade and stick with Advent. Builts for the Raiders look.
Also, do you use a different block for the Crusade bash? Or just use the Raiders block and then bash it Crusade style.
Both Steve and my felt are Raidersque in both color, thickness and floppyness, so either way it would be a hybrid.
I know Steve has a LC block for at least SOME sizes (not sure which, though), while I have ONLY Raiders blocks currently (it's different from the LC block).
So, while the felt for the deluxe line is better, you might be served better with one of Steve's AB's block wise...
Sorry for the un-easy answer, but it's the only one I can give you.
Also, do you use a different block for the Crusade bash? Or just use the Raiders block and then bash it Crusade style.
I use a different block. I have it in the popular sizes, that is, 7 - 7 1/2.
On my and Marc's felt, both would yield a LC fedora with no problem, as all that I would do is add stiffener to the felt to make it stiffer in the brim. The crown would crease nicely into the LC shape with no problem at all. We just spent our time trying to copy the Raiders hats since you could get the LC look from many other brands, including HJ. Fedora
Marc please don't hit the desk with your head so hard!!!
Marc is the very last person whom you can ask about a LC hat... after all the months, sweat and the bucks spent on wooden blocks just to make the most accurate Raiders Block!!
The Adventurebilt Hats Co. has some really good looking LC hats... better not to ask to the European partner ... not yet
Well it's not that I don't know what I'm talking about, when it comes to the LC Fedora. I just don't feel that an AB Deluxe LC Fedora would meet the same criterias in terms of pickyness as my Raiders Fedoras do... That's all.
O.K. then, let me ask this,,what is the difference of the LC block, Fedora? Is there taper in it? Actually, the hybrid is kinda what I'd be interested in. A stove pipe straight crown with the Crusade bash. But if the block doesn't have much taper, I'd go with it.
As you can see, I'm a die hard Raiders style fan, but I'm startin' to kinda like the softer bash of the LC, too. So I'm just trying to get a happy medium
O.K. then, let me ask this,,what is the difference of the LC block, Fedora? Is there taper in it?
I think the LC block was basically a number 52 block shape, that is, it has a bit more taper front and back as well as some slight taper on the very top of the sides of the crown. I think the Raiders block was basically a number 60 block that has less taper, front and back, and stove piped as viewed from the front, or back of the hat. Both block shapes were used to create dress hats back in the old days, and both of these block shapes are very old. The high domed blocks you see, like the 51 yielded very nice Bogeyesque fedoras, as well as the telescope crowned hats. Rick 5150 sent me his Akubra Croc Dundee hat recently. I wanted to see what sort of block was used to make the hat. It turned out to be a number 51 block shape, with a 6 inch crown. But, most of those extra inches crease down inside the hat to form the C-dent crease in the top. Just had to throw that in, since I just discovered it!!! I always wondered what those tapered tall dome blocks were used for. Fedora