after trying on one pair and having to send them back, another pair arrived at the shoe store yesterday, and were much better than the first. They fit great. I dont think its possible to get a close enough to this boot, considering the level of qualty of the shoe is so high. The guy at the store even gave me a bottle of leather balm for free....
Heres to jerry
They are 10 1/2's
A size larger from what i uasauly wear,
but apparently according to the guy at the shoe store
have 100% perfect fit. McFly, my feet have been the same size for the
past 2 years, and ive been told ive stopped growing, so i got the wested
first and now the shoes. These feel really nice! deffinatly the nicest pair of shoes my feet have ever been in!
I uasualy wear skateboarding shoes,
which have really odd sizes. So I was not 100% sure
which size i would be buying. But the salesman at the store had
me try on another pair of aldens, in the same last ("truBalance"),
and 10 1/2 D fit perfectly, so thats the size i ordered. He was
deffinatly right.
Mola Ram wrote:I uasualy wear skateboarding shoes,
which have really odd sizes. So I was not 100% sure
which size i would be buying. But the salesman at the store had
me try on another pair of aldens, in the same last ("truBalance"),
and 10 1/2 D fit perfectly, so thats the size i ordered. He was
deffinatly right.
Enjoy. It really is important to be measured professionally. These shoes run so differently.
My physical therapist said that the weight of the shoes (4.6 lbs for a 10 1/2 D) might have aggrevated my back condition, but certainly did not cause it.
It seems my back problems started about the same time as I started wearing the shoes. Scared me, I must say. $320 takes a long time to make or save.
I would put "Hush Plates" on the heels before they wear too much.
They are a plastic tap that fits on the heel. You place them where the heel would wear. They are quiet, thus "hush."
They are avialable under a number of names.