Hello everyone.. i have a question about an Akubra federation regular that i ordered the other day... Is the brim that noticably bigger that it needs to be trimmed. I ordered a size 57 and i am very hesitant about cutting it when i get it. I dont want to mess up and blow a 100 bucks.. any tips or pointers? i read a few things about the brim cutting, but the major question is ... Is 1/8 that noticable?
Don't cut it until you get, try it on, wear it a few days... then wear it a few more days, then decide.
No one can say whether its too big until we see it on your head.
Then, all you can really hope for is an opinion on whether WE all think it looks good.
The brim size on Akrubas aren't a fixed sized. They do tend to vary depending on the actual hat size.
The 1/8" was more noticable back when the Akubras didn't have a dimension cut. That is now standard.
The decision is totally up to you.
I have 2 Akubras. My standard with exact movie measurements and my Deluxe which is a bit bigger. In the New England weather, I'm liking my wider brim.
Don't trim nothin'. The Akubra Fed is the product of the knowledge and design from the 'Indy Elders' of this forum. It will arrive open crown with a dimensional cut on the brim. The rest is up to you to bash. Listen to Dalexs and save any further questions until you put it on your head. I have a Fed Deluxe and not only is the brim of a well trimmed dimension, but why question that which you do not even have yet to view? Every hat, regardless of design, is truly meant to be made your own. That statement will make more sense if you follow this forum, be patient grasshopper..... "WE" will let you know....
I had my Akubra for a good number of months before deciding whether or not to trim my brim and it took me even longer before I actually decided to do so. It's not something you need to rush into. Heck, the brim may be perfect for you as it is!
Do not worry about trimming the hat. I have an Akubra (Deluxe) and wear a size 57. There is nothing wrong with the brim length. As others have said, style the hat and wear it. Get comfortable with it then decide if you want to change the brim length.
By the way, a BIG Welcome to our new member, HeyJude7! We've been emailing back and forth for the past week or so, and he's a REALLY fine fellow, and one of our Navy folks who is currently bouncing around at sea as we speak!
I wish.. then i can stetch my legs out n relax.. cant wait to get back! Just ordered my first wested today too! temple style.. got the #### measurements right after days and days of redoing them and having other people tape me.. so brain rackin..i didnt want to get the wrong size.. hopefully i got the right size
- Jason
Yup had to have it.. you guys got me jealous all talking about your jackets and i wanted one.. i felt like a kid again... a while ago my dad, before he died, saw an indiana jones jacket at a thrift store and he wanted to get it for me but he wanted me to try it on first and when we went back to get it..it was gone..someone else got it b4 we did.. so i kinda did it for him too.
Not sure how long my ship will keep this site open but if i cant write anymore posts everyone feel free to email when ever you guys want..keep me updated on any news or new indy things.
thanks Gent's
Cool you can get internet connections out in the middle of the ocean! I guess I always assumed that it'd be hard to get hooked up to the world wide web off of land. Welcome!!!! ARe you a Beatles fan by chance?
If you get a chance to post some pics of your gear when it comes I know It'll be great looking if you've put the time in to measure carefully...
If you get the hat and the brim bothers you but you're weary of 'cutting' it you may also be able to sand it, I have heard of people sanding the brim back instead of cutting it, which I may do if I order an Akub to serve as a "dusty Streets of Ciaro" fedora...
Welcome to the forums, enjoy the gear, and stay safe out there! :c)
Jus got my federation in..it is awesome.. i will be postin pic as soon as i can..i dont think im gona trim it.. but i will see maybe... Thanks for all the advice ladies and gents' ..pics will be comin soon
~ Jason