A while back I know there was a discussion on the White TOD jacket from the club obi wan scenes. I searched and I can't quite seem to find the thread on it. Long story short I'd like to know where I could get my hands on one of those coats someday. Thanks
The magic wardrobe option well very good will also be quite expensive I believe. Try investigating other options as well if your budget isn't up to it like www.mycustomtailor.com
Indiana Ken wrote:The magic wardrobe option well very good will also be quite expensive I believe. Try investigating other options as well if your budget isn't up to it like www.mycustomtailor.com
Ahh very nice reference screenshots. There should be a section on the Indygear website about this outfit. Just to be 100% sure about something, can anyone tell me the exact flower he is wearing? I assume a carnation.
Wow I never would have noticed that before! Is there any technical details I should know specifically about the jacket? Like material, pocket sizes and such. I wanted to get it custom made so I need as much info as possible.
I seem to remember reading somewhere that Indy's tux jacket was "more loosely cut [than an average jacket], to allow for movement"... I have no clue whatsoever where I picked that up - maybe in the ToD novelisation, or comic... guess it was about 15 years ago.
Ihastuneet naulakonhoitajat eivät välitä siitäkään, että tulijan smokki on epämuodikkaan väljästi leikattu. Näyttää siltä, kuin siihen olisi jätetty varaa nopeaan liikkumiseen. Mutta tämä mies onkin aina asettanut varovaisuuden ennen muodikkuuta — tai mitään muutakaan. Syy on selvä. Hän aikoo selviytyä hengissä.