Dying pants

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Dying pants

Post by Ark Hunter »

I know people dye shirts and even bags, but how about the pants? Is there an accurate taupe color or recipe out there to use?
I spilled some coffee on some kahis I have so I think they're a good canidate for dying. ;) I suppose you have to use the dye remover first like on other stuff.
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Post by Lukmas »

I would be interetsed to hear what people think. I have some old Sand Colour pants which could use a dying.

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Post by Dalexs »

Ok ok, move aside, the expert is in the room...

I had a pair stone dockers that took a spill in some mud and were never gonna be stone colored again... sooooo...

Go get some "Taupe" Rit dye, is usually available in most laundry aisles of grocery stores.

Get two packs. Use stove top method. If the pants are of light khaki or stone color to begin with, don't bother with remover.

Keep in mind that when you dye the pants initially, they will appear dark.
After you wash them, they will lighten up a bit.

IF you cannot get Taupe, get either TAN and mix with a little black.
OR Get dark brown and only use about half a pack.

Keep in mind that these are pants we don't care about anymore, so if it takes a few trys, it worth it.

If you do a search, someone posted a recipe for using "Scarlet" in the mix to get the official officer pinks look. I'd be careful doing this.
Scarlet is VERY bold.

Hope this helps.

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Post by Ark Hunter »

Alright, thanks!

Did you see this?
Want a special color?

Write to us and send a sample of the color you want to match.
It will be helpful if you will tell us the article and type of fabric you plan to dye. Additional dyeing ideas and color information can be obtained by writingto:

RIT Consumer Affairs Department
P.O. Box 21070
Indianapolis, IN 46221
(317) 231-8044
You could send in a swatch of Indy pants color and have them match it!
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Post by Dalexs »

Yeah, I have seen that. Problem is, most of my redying is done to try to match screen accurate color, not actual material color.
So a little bit of experimentation is always needed.

I actually have a piece of NH pants that I referenced when I dyed mine.

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Post by Ark Hunter »

I tried to get a swatch of Wested pants material sent with my leather samples, but they said they couldn't send one for some reason. :cry:
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Post by Swindiana »

I think that is because they don't make the pants on location, so to speak, but rather in another factory. The wouldn't have any material to send out unless they decided to cut up a finished pair.

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Post by Ark Hunter »

Ah, ok. That explains it then. Thanks!
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