I just received my Original MKVII from WPG's latest "unissued" offerings. I am very impressed!
These bags seem to have been well stored and look very good IMHO. All stitching and seams looks tight and seem very strong. Of course its too early to tell about durability during use. It is marked MK VII, W & G, 1932 LTD, 1942. (Maybe you can read it in the pics). I plan on giving it a light washing before I put the TAG strap on it.
I will try and update this thread on whether or not I have any of the seam failure that Baggers noted in some of his original bags. I tried to get the major angles. Let me know it there are better ways to shoot these, I am still learning.
Last edited by Wrightknife on Mon Jul 18, 2005 10:18 am, edited 5 times in total.
However, to clarify, the problems with my bags weren't seam failures but actual failure of the fabric itself. The first one began tearing like kleenex around the webbing piece sewn to the bag which holds the ring to which the shoulder strap is attached. I even managed to rip the top edge of the bag simply by flicking my fingertip across it. The stitching on both bags held just fine.
All I had done after getting them was to wash both by soaking in a solution of lukewarm water with Ivory soap powder for 20 minutes before gently scrubbing with a sponge and rinsing thoroughly. I then smoothed and stretched the bags out and air dried them. It was only afterwards that the failures began.
I should add that this cleaning procedure was okayed by Jerry before I washed the second one, and is the same procedure that was recommended for cleaning the original 37 Pattern webbing equipment when it was an issued item of kit. I have cleaned numerous items of original gear over the years using this method, and this was the first time that I ever experienced a problem.
Hopefully mine was an isolated experience. If yours comes out okay, I may be tempted to try another myself.
I got my new bag washed this weekend and I did have an issue. The canvas beside the tin disc (rusty) on the side deteriorated into a hole. Let me also say that the rest of the canvas and all thread and seams look fine and did not break down. Here is a picture of the problem.
I have emailed Jerry and feel confident he will send a new bag. Just wanted to update everyone on this new batch of unissued bags.
Yes, I just hand washed it. I tested the rest of the seams and they are holding up just fine. The only area with a problem is the canvas right beside the rusty disc.
Okay, but what I'm trying to determine is whether or not dry rot caused the hole. If so, the fabric at the edges of the hole should be very brittle and tear quite easily. I "tug tested" both of my bags, and the seams and fabric seemed okay, but in the spots where the rips appeared, the fabric had the tensile strength of toilet paper.
If this isn't the case with your bag, then the hole may just be the result of a simple tear created when the hole was punched to mount the disc at the time of the bag's assembly. War time QC could be rather spotty at times.
The rest of the canvas is fine, the pressure of the disc and the rust off of it weakened the canvas. BTW, as everyone has already stated, Jerry at WPG has continued his great customer service and has sent out a new bag.
Man.. Wrightnife.
If you EVER feel like selling your broken bag anyway, I'll gladly be the first in line. That thing is beautiful!!
And with the non-circular vent pattern and all!
Did you have to send it back to Jerry at WPG?
No, I got to keep it. There is a member that has already offered to trade an original he had bought from WPG even before he saw his. Since I told him I would trade (depending on how his looks) with him, I will wait and see if he still wants to trade. If not I will definitely consider your offer. It is a beautiful bag and that hole near the disc is the only thing wrong with it.
Have a great day, I will IM you if the other deal falls through.