I was toying around with ideas about how to display my Gear and Artifacts and I was considering getting a generic "head and torso" mannequin for my fedora, jacket, Mk VII, etc. I then started moving toward a more realistic way of displaying the gear without having a corner of my home look like a museum. For a while I had my gear on an antique dresser with some hooks on the wall to display the fedora and jacket.
Recently, while out shopping, I stumbled across a piece of furniture called an étagère (at least that's what my interior designed fiancé calls it!
). It's a small wooden piece built to hold a men's suit jacket and slacks and it even has a small tray to hold pocket items. The top even has a small post, perfect for a fedora! Here's a pic:
Here it is holding my gear:
Here's a detail of the items in the tray:
Until I find a nice antique curio cabinet, this one from IKEA is holding my artifacts:
Let me know what you think!