Fonzie and the Temple of Doom

Discuss all of the intricacies of the jacket in full detail

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Fonzie and the Temple of Doom

Post by Havana »

Okay, I’ve got a new Wested ToD dark lamb, I’ve been wearing it for three hours now at work. (I work at a university.) I normally wear a leather jacket of some kind all the time but already I’ve received three compliments on the coat from female students. I’ve also heard a wise guy make a stupid attempt at a joke by saying, “Ay, it’s the Fonz.” Granted, a shiny, pristine, new Wested doesn’t really say “Indiana Jones” but Fonzie? Don’t get me wrong. The Fonz is cool, seriously cool. This comment just makes me wonder how other people see this jacket. I’ve heard a few dumb comments about my hats over the years but I would just like to hear some of the silly remarks people have made about your Indy jackets. Have you ever been mistaken for Fonzie or a biker or bi-plane pilot?
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Post by Gater »


It's funny you should mention this. I received a new Wested lamb for Christmas, and after wearing a predistressed cowhide for the past 3 years, the new lamb DOES look like a 'Fonzie' jacket. Altho nobody else has made this comment to me, I have thought it. This is also why I have been tempted to perform a light manual distressing make-over. Not too much, but maybe enough to take away the 'newness' of the jacket. If nothing else, maybe ball it up and sit on it to give it a few wrinkles.
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Post by rick5150 »

People really irritate me when they start associating any leather jacket with Indy or Fonzie (or Crocodile Dundee :roll: )

Fonzie's jacket - other than also being brown - bears little resemblance to Indy's jacket. They are both cool jackets though. Fonzie's has the slit front pockets and the waist and cuff ribbing.



FYI:Aero Leather has one that is close-ish, but still not too good.

URL here.

Fonzie stopped being cool when he caused the phrase "jumped the shark" to come into being. For those who do not know, it means the moment where a particular show began it's downward death spiral.
Last edited by rick5150 on Thu Jan 13, 2005 1:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Crusader556 »


That's pretty funny. I've also received some complements on my Wested too. You can see it in their eyes, the jacket looks familiar to them and they can't quite remember where they saw it before but they know they like it. 8)


Intresting details on the Fonz's jacket. I always thought it was an A2.
Last edited by Crusader556 on Fri Jan 14, 2005 10:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Striver »

My Wested Raider Goat is now well over a year old and getting even better with age (like we all do). When I first got it someone I work with once said "Hey it's Top Gun!" I laughed it off. I'm sure such comments only happen when someone sees you in something new and perhaps their minds rapidly associate it with something they've seen and (probably) been impressed with at the time.

An interesting question would be "If someone said - 'I like the jacket, Fonzy/Top Gun!' would you say "Actually, it's an Indiana Jones Jacket!"?" I'm sure I would - if they seemed interested in buying one!

Regards from Wales!

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Post by rick5150 »

Intresting details on the Fonz's jacket. I always thought it was an A2.
I was going to get one of these and did some ressearch on it. The most common misconception that I encountered during the quest was people think his jacket was black.
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