From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"
I'm looking for a whip that's screen accurate so I'm sure you'd recommend a DM, Stenhouse or Strain.
Unfortunatly, those are way too expensive for me and I don't wanna learn to crack a whip anyway (at least not right now )
So I'm basically looking for a display prop under $100, but it should be screen accurate. Any ideas?
I've got an IOAB, and I love it. It hit my demands: Indy-esque handle, but my price range. If you want to see it compared to other whips, take a look at the UK Summit thread - yeah, it's a long thread - but one pic has several whips on a table, and you can see it relative to a few others.
Actually, Swindy, that's your pic, isn't it? Can you post it here?
QuantumGirl wrote:and would an 8ft. or 10ft. whip be more screen accurate?
If you just want it for display then go with the 10 ft. A 10 footer is what Indy was wearing on his belt in the films. When he was actually using the whip the length varied depending on what he was using it for(swinging, wrapping, fast cracking, etc).
If you actually paln on learning to crack the whip (I defy you to own a bullwhip and succeed in resisting the urge to crack it!) you should probably buy an 8 footer. 10ft whips are more difficult to crack and may cause undo frustration in a beginner.
QuantumGirl, for your needs, you really can't go wrong with the IOAB whip. In fact, the picture shown above is the prototype whip I own and I am VERY pleased with it. The only other choice in the near price range is the Keppler whip and it's nowhere near as accurate in color or appearance as the Winrich whip is.
I would say that my IOAB bullwhip would fit your bill the best given your price range. A 10 footer would be $100, but shipping would push your total cost up to $130-135.
That's a great pic you just posted. I was looking at it trying to figure out which whips were pictured. I recognize the IOAB bullwhip and I think one of them must be an EC Whips budget Indy. Is there also a Strain whip pictured? The whip in the back looks like a more common swivel handle bullwhip. Do you know anything about the whip pictured on the far left? It looks 12-plait.
If you're serious about looking "screen accurate," you might also want to look at Adam's cowhide and deerhide whips.
They look more screen accurate than the IOAB whips, (nothing against IOAB's. They are a wonderful medium between quality and cost, and are a steal at $80 for what you get,) But when you're talking a 10 foot, 12 plaited overlay, you're talking a couple hundred bucks, regardless if you're working in cow or kangaroo or deer.
So, if the IOAB suits your needs, great. If not, I'm afraid the next step up for you as far as price goes, would be the Winrich 12 plait cow/deerhide or a Stenhouse.
The one to the left belongs to Redbeard and I think he got it from a special order in Europe. The one to the right belongs to Scandinavia Jones, and you're right about it being the EC Whips BI. (Another shot of that one HERE.)
The one on top of that is English Adventurer's, and I think it could be a Strain one. (Chime in guys!)
The swivel handle one belongs to Canyon and I think she got it from Texas Bullwhips.
Hopefully some of the owners will see this.
Like i said in the other thread,
I'll just throw this out here.
Im currently making a whip for IndyBlues,
And kris. Price is- 115 for a 8 foot 8 plait (cow indy)
Bullwhip. And if i Get the leather splitter i am looking for,
possibly same price for 12 plait. The whip would have
2 plaited bellys, and 1 bolster, possibly 2 if the width of the
leather allows it.
You might very well find something with some of the German folks who make whips as well, or at least someone on your side of the pond. Go to www.worldwidewhips and talk to Uwe, and/or surf to the links portion under the More link on the left side of his main page.