Peter doesn't "automatically" do anything!
I learned about the status of mine by emailing him. Though, judging from the posts I have read, it may be simpler and more efficient to telephone him.
Just have patience. It will be there soon. It takes about a month or more.
Yes, Hemingway you listen Darth64, hmmmm?
ob1al, If you keep this up we're going to have to make an avatar of Yoda in a Fedora for you.
Or maybe, like me, you're watching "The Trilogy", too much. I sat through the whole three hour documentary yesterday!
darth64 wrote:Does Peter automaticaly send an email when he ship a jacket?
My experience with Wested was completely via e-mail and I believe I saved a lot on long distance phone charges. Peter was extremely prompt with his replies and he e-mailed me (well, at least Wested did), without my inquisition, when the jacket shipped.
Yeah, my whole experience so far has been by email only. 5 out of 6 emails got an IMMEDIATE lagged a bit, but that ain't bad. Of course, I'm just coming up on the 'projected' ship date now, so maybe they'll go quiet if they are real busy...