I have completed distressing the Wested Goatskin!

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I have completed distressing the Wested Goatskin!

Post by rick5150 »

It took a few weeks to get it the way I wanted it (including the Fuller's Earth). Here is the fully-distressed Goatskin:

Last edited by rick5150 on Tue Oct 14, 2003 7:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Goat vs. Pre-distressed Cowhide

Post by rick5150 »

Here is a comparison photo. I should be receiving the "new" lighter predistressed cowhide jacket that Peter has mentioned either today or tomorrow. I will post this picture as well:


See it in a bigger photo here:

http://build.hosting.domaindirect.com/i ... et=tlx_new
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Post by Illinois Troy »

Nice jacket you've got there and a nice distressing job. 8)

- Illinois
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Post by morgan »

That looks great. The pre-distressed cowhide looks to be a better colour match to the films jackets but I notice it seems to be a bit more crumpled and is catching a few shadows which may be giving the impression of a darker hide. By the way what’s the goatskin like as I shall soon be buying one of my own :lol: .

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Comparisons/Goat & Two Cows

Post by rick5150 »

As the owner of three Westeds here is my analysis:

Regular Predistressed Cowhide: Nice jacket, feels comfortable, a little on the heavy side, looks good (if not too evenly distressed). Easy to sandpaper a little to distress more if desired. A coating of Pecards will darken it to the point of almost not looking distressed anymore (That's why I got the sandpaper out!) Soft!

Goat: Feels stiffer, not as comfortable, in my opinion - way too dark and shiny - but tough. I had to carefully sandpaper the entire jacket, then apply the brown Pecards to it to give it highlights, then sandpapered the seams again. I love the color of this jacket. Nowhere near as soft as the cowhide (at first) but softened up nicely once I got the top layer off the coloring and added Pecards.

New Predistressed Cowhide: (If that is what I have!) The jacket I just got from Peter fits like a glove, feels lighter and falls (drapes/hangs) better. The material feels thinner and is darker. Right now it has a sheen to it, but it is becoming my favorite very quickly.

I am sorry to say there are good points to all of the jackets. I will have to buy a lamb now and really evaluate them!!!
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