Now, I've heard that the Raiders lambskin was tough and may require sandpaper... they weren't kidding...this thing can take a beating. That said, I finally broke through a small area with repeated rubbing and I have to be looks grey! I was expecting a nice light tan or light brown like I've seen in videos, but it definitely looks grey to me. I immediately stopped because I wasn't sure if it was the scouring pad rubbing color on it or something and I just didn't want to ruin the jacket.
It's important to note, I haven't given this the water treatment yet, and I'm wondering if I should do that first before I start the distressing. I was planning on it anyway as I've heard it removes some of the shine (which is what I'm hoping for), but I'm not sure if that would make a difference here.
Has anyone else run into this before? It might be hard to tell from the photo, but it definitely looks light grey in person.