Search found 8 matches

by toshberry
Mon Feb 02, 2004 11:00 am
Forum: Guns & Holsters
Topic: SCREEN USED gun up for auction!
Replies: 0
Views: 338

SCREEN USED gun up for auction!

Alas, not one used by Indy, but one used by the Nazis in Raiders! I don't know if this has been covered here or not, living in the UK pretty much excludes me from collecting any guns, Idy related or otherwise, but i thought some here may be interested when i came across it. The link is: http://www.a...
by toshberry
Tue Jan 20, 2004 4:13 am
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: A new member who may be able to help with the gloves search.
Replies: 18
Views: 1282

Anyone out there need LARGE 1123s?

Okay- an update on the gloves. I've been trying to send out gloves to people in the order that they've shown interest in them in the forum, but at the minute i only have large sizes and quite a few people have been asking for small or medium- sorry to you people, but i've had no luck getting these y...
by toshberry
Mon Jan 05, 2004 11:30 am
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: A new member who may be able to help with the gloves search.
Replies: 18
Views: 1282

The first few pairs are here!

I now have 3 large pairs of 1123s available- i was offering them first to those who first expressed an interest in the forum. I think i've sent you pms before Christmas, but may have done something wrong i guess as i don't have any replies yet! Any way if Agent 5, Indy Blues and Ob1 a1 can let me kn...
by toshberry
Mon Dec 01, 2003 11:16 am
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: A new member who may be able to help with the gloves search.
Replies: 18
Views: 1282

I'm still waiting for my source to tell me how many more pairs he can get- as soon as i know i'll contact you all in the order that you've shown interest for them. At the minute though, he's only just posted my pair to me. As soon as i know any more i'll be in touch. (No he's not in London, but if h...
by toshberry
Thu Nov 27, 2003 4:23 am
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: A new member who may be able to help with the gloves search.
Replies: 18
Views: 1282

Hmmmm, can't see how to post the pic, and should be working really- If anyone would like to see the pic though i can mail it to them.

All the best :D
by toshberry
Thu Nov 27, 2003 4:19 am
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: A new member who may be able to help with the gloves search.
Replies: 18
Views: 1282

I think he's charging 16 dollars for the first pair.

I'll try and post the pic he sent me, but don't worry i'll keep you updated.
by toshberry
Wed Nov 26, 2003 11:30 am
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: A new member who may be able to help with the gloves search.
Replies: 18
Views: 1282

No problem.

The chaps just e-mailed me actually saying he should have them on the way by the weekend, so i've asked for a few more large and medium pairs if he can get them for me.

I'll keep you posted.
by toshberry
Wed Nov 26, 2003 10:45 am
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: A new member who may be able to help with the gloves search.
Replies: 18
Views: 1282

A new member who may be able to help with the gloves search.

Hello all. I'm new here; well i became a member some time ago but for some reason couldn't log on until today, although I've been regularly reading entries in the forum. Its great to find such a wealth of material in tracking down Indy gear from such a friendly bunch. I've long been a fan of the Ind...