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by Robert Duke
Wed Jul 28, 2010 4:57 pm
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: Whipmaking instructions according to me!
Replies: 59
Views: 15193

Re: Whipmaking instructions according to me!

Way to go to keep up the art of whipmaking.
by Robert Duke
Fri Jun 26, 2009 10:26 pm
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: Whip Show at Space Center Houston NASA
Replies: 12
Views: 369

Whip Show at Space Center Houston NASA

I just got booked to do a half hour whip show on July 5th. I am very excited about it. See details at link.
by Robert Duke
Fri Aug 22, 2008 2:09 pm
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: Kingdom of the Crystal skull Bullwhip by Terry Jacka
Replies: 61
Views: 6029

I haven't seen any comments about the handle length. Others have said how long the handle and transition was much longer than a traditional Morgan style Indy whip (8").

Robert Duke
by Robert Duke
Sat Nov 24, 2007 12:19 pm
Forum: Gear Care & Distressing
Topic: treating lambskin.
Replies: 16
Views: 1560

WWIJD? What Would Indiana Jones Do, treat or not treat? :P By the way, I distressed my Wested Lamb this week. I've had the jacket a few years. When I met TCS in Nashville last week he was wearing a nicely distressed goat. I liked the effect. So I made up my mind to take the plunge. I educated myself...
by Robert Duke
Tue Nov 20, 2007 7:42 pm
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: A question for you whip performers...
Replies: 13
Views: 980

Hey Adam, I have a pair of McMaster's stockwhips that were originally Fiona's. They are 4 ft long and are 4 plait and flow very well. So the number of plaits on a stockwhip is not that significant as it is on a bullwhip where you need more plaits. Diameter is larger on the thong, so I wouldn't want ...
by Robert Duke
Tue Nov 20, 2007 7:39 pm
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: Bullwhip Core Materials
Replies: 26
Views: 1626

I wanted to leave a lot of the specifics to Ron Edwards who really goes into the plaiting well and also some of the turkshead making. I do not get into that technical but focus on the bullwhip assembly more than actual plaiting technique and how to tie a turkshead knot. Read the "bible" on...
by Robert Duke
Tue Nov 20, 2007 2:17 pm
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: Bullwhip Core Materials
Replies: 26
Views: 1626

just got back from a week in Nashville and trying to settle the dust.

Have you got Ron Edwards book on whipmaking? Anyone considering making a whip should purchase that book. However it does not go into bullwhips very well. Still, I consider it a bible of whipmaking unlike any other.
by Robert Duke
Tue Nov 20, 2007 10:23 am
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: A question for you whip performers...
Replies: 13
Views: 980

I'd say go for a pair of 5 footers then. I have matched pairs in 4 ft, 5 ft and 5.5 ft.

6 ft is a bit long, but ok for someone taller. I'm 5'10"

by Robert Duke
Tue Nov 20, 2007 10:21 am
Forum: Leather Jacket
Topic: Recieved my Todd's Standard Lambskin Indiana Jones Jacket...
Replies: 268
Views: 26828

Go to the 'Gear care and distressing' section below, and you should find several discussions about ways to distress your jacket. By the way, Robert, where in the heck have YOU been hiding?! I haven't seen you around for quite a while! Welcome back!! :D Regards! Michaelson Life kinda gets in the way...
by Robert Duke
Tue Nov 20, 2007 8:45 am
Forum: Leather Jacket
Topic: Recieved my Todd's Standard Lambskin Indiana Jones Jacket...
Replies: 268
Views: 26828

I have a lambskin Wested and like these pictures is just a bit too new looking and desire the screen accurate look now of distressed. It just kinda hurts me to do anything to it, however I want to go ahead. Each leather has its own touch feel - lamb, goat, cowhide, etc. Is there a topic on distressi...
by Robert Duke
Tue Nov 20, 2007 8:39 am
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: Bullwhip Core Materials
Replies: 26
Views: 1626

I'm against having a cable core unless its for a prop. To me, it wouldn't crack like a whip. I want my bellies to be all leather, and flow out naturally. It seems cable would have too much life. Just as paracord does too. You can't do a decent wrap with a paracord. If you just want to crackin wet co...
by Robert Duke
Tue Nov 20, 2007 8:20 am
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: A question for you whip performers...
Replies: 13
Views: 980

I use a pair of 5.5' matched stockwhips for doing the Australian style of whipcracking. I won the overall championship for one & two whips in style & technique with them in 2005 at the WWAC convention. But thats not all I use in my performances. I use an 8 ft Indy bullwhip, and also a 14 ft ...
by Robert Duke
Mon Jul 24, 2006 1:04 pm
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: Watch America's Got Talent Tomorrow Night and See WHIPS!!!!!
Replies: 45
Views: 2514

Nice write up Dan. The show's executive producer is Simon Cowell of American Idol fame and of Fremantle Media. Do you think Simon is making any money? You know this new network is starting a new show besides launching their network. They requested 2 custom made bullwhips by me and originally wanted ...
by Robert Duke
Mon Jul 24, 2006 9:53 am
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: Watch America's Got Talent Tomorrow Night and See WHIPS!!!!!
Replies: 45
Views: 2514

Saw the clip, missed the show.
Good whipcracking act for the Deers.

One of the producers for the show called me a few months ago about performing also. They were going to come to Houston, but changed apparently. So, I suppose its in New York now, still?

All the best,
Robert Duke
by Robert Duke
Mon Jul 10, 2006 7:09 pm
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: New TV show bullwhips
Replies: 13
Views: 1144

Hello Dan, I am not sure, but I think the show is going to be on an adult network... cable users have On Demand shows and I think thats what its going to be. Most of the world's views on whips is a bit on the far side as you probably are aware of.. so they take advantage of it when they can... the w...
by Robert Duke
Sun Jul 09, 2006 9:23 am
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: Leather Strander
Replies: 12
Views: 775

Thanks for the offer Robert but I'll hang on to it. I've never quite gotten used to it and I don't use it but I like to see it hanging on the wall of the work shop. Once I've got a tool I don't like to let it go. Isn't Dean still making them? Hello Bernie, Simon told me you liked seeing it hang the...
by Robert Duke
Sat Jul 08, 2006 6:29 pm
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: New TV show bullwhips
Replies: 13
Views: 1144

Hello Chris, I sure don't have full photos of the whips. I wanted to show mostly detail around the handles and upper part of the whips. It was a London production co. for Phantom of the Opera. Never heard anymore... they sent me a picture and it looked like rubbish... just total trash... typical sta...
by Robert Duke
Sat Jul 08, 2006 3:02 pm
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: Kangaroo Raider 12ft
Replies: 5
Views: 603

Nice Gio! Que bien!
by Robert Duke
Sat Jul 08, 2006 2:45 pm
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: New TV show bullwhips
Replies: 13
Views: 1144

New TV show bullwhips

Here is a pair of 6 foot 12 plait bullwhips that I just finished and sent to Hollywood this week. It will be for a girl superhero. Imagine that. I don't have many more details than that.

Robert Duke
by Robert Duke
Sat Jul 08, 2006 2:07 pm
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: Leather Strander
Replies: 12
Views: 775

Don't I remember Robert Duke selling them at one stage, time for you to come inon this Robert. Its been a long time since I checked in on COW. Hello Bernie, I had telephoned Dene Williams for his strand cutter which Russell Schultz had given me his info. Simon Martin told me that you had one but di...
by Robert Duke
Mon May 29, 2006 7:24 pm
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: My Giovanni Celeste whip (more pics added)
Replies: 61
Views: 3583

The whip(s) used in LC was rather dark compared to Raiders. JAN This point has been beat more than the proverbial dead horse. I've made enough Indy whips using natural tan as well as other whipmakers will agree. That picture in your screen grab is natural tan. No mistake about it either. They might...
by Robert Duke
Tue May 02, 2006 4:52 pm
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: Darkening a kangaroo whip
Replies: 33
Views: 1759

Adam Winrich wrote: I was at the Wild West Arts Club national convention last week. I got to hang out with Paul Nolan and Chris Camp, as well as Ben Hughes, the 5-time Australian men's whipcracking champion. I feel I was snubbed :( All kidding aside, I had a great time hanging out and competing with...
by Robert Duke
Wed Apr 26, 2006 10:25 am
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: My new whip from Giovanni Celeste / With pics. :-)
Replies: 21
Views: 1582

The whip looks good. Congrats Ace on your whip. Gio you did good. I have a question about the turkshead which is more a whipmaker's technical question. What knot is that on the knob? It doesn't appear to tbe 5 x 4. on another note, Sergei - where ya been? Was hoping to see you at the 2006 WWAC conve...
by Robert Duke
Tue Nov 15, 2005 8:18 am
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: Dallas Indy Whip Demo
Replies: 6
Views: 802

Someone is supposed to be sending me a disk. There were at least two guys filming my show inside and outside.. firewhips outside.... I think its all video though... so, not sure if there will be pics... we'll see. Chris, I may not go to the WWAC convention in April cuz I have been booked for the Cat...
by Robert Duke
Mon Nov 07, 2005 2:14 pm
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: Dallas Indy Whip Demo
Replies: 6
Views: 802

Dallas Indy Whip Demo

Hello all you whippersnappers, I just got back from a weekend gig at a private party in Dallas, Texas. I had been asked to do 2 hours of whipcracking demonstrations. I knew it wasn't a western theme party which is how I usually dress for events, and so asked the host what he'd recommend that I wear....
by Robert Duke
Fri Oct 28, 2005 8:27 am
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: shot belly?
Replies: 11
Views: 815

Your quote from Adam doesn't really say it was a shot belly.. just "lead-shot core and carefully weighted" Shot belly - whatever... a belly is the inside parts of a whip.... double plaited bellies, single plaited belly whatever. Sergei is correct - most whipmakers including myself use lead...
by Robert Duke
Wed Oct 26, 2005 3:47 pm
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: Can a bullwhip be a weapon?
Replies: 56
Views: 3904

winrichwhips wrote:check out

This is a 'sport' in Australia. Part of me wants to try it,
I say., let's bring it on. Folks love to watch a good fight.

Its all part of the show - Danger - Fear - Excitement
by Robert Duke
Thu Jul 21, 2005 3:45 pm
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: I'm here - Giovanni Celeste
Replies: 48
Views: 3117

Gio, Welcome to COW and glad that you finally made it.

enjoy the stay :whip:

by Robert Duke
Thu Jul 21, 2005 1:03 pm
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: Good bullwhip?
Replies: 20
Views: 1199

I have received Western Union moneygrams from Denmark, Germany and France for bullwhips.
But alas, if you are a teen making just a few euros, well, thats another story...
by Robert Duke
Wed Jul 13, 2005 2:59 pm
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: My new >>CRACK<< Robert Duke whip. UPDATE: PIX
Replies: 11
Views: 1287

Morgan's whips have evolved from the original Indy whip, and that for the better because a good whipmaker knows how to improve after making several hundred. I like to stick with a bit more like the new and improved as I agree with his whipmaking techniques. I occasionally get requests from GearHeads...
by Robert Duke
Fri Jul 08, 2005 12:24 pm
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: My new >>CRACK<< Robert Duke whip. UPDATE: PIX
Replies: 11
Views: 1287

Glad that you like your whip. I hope that you enjoy many years of cracking and good memories of adventures with it. Denmark has been a particularly active country for me this year. Lots of orders from there. Indiana Jones must be well and alive there and quite popular! :whip: All the best, Robert Duke
by Robert Duke
Mon Jun 13, 2005 12:27 pm
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: David Morgan Handle Question
Replies: 23
Views: 1685

I can see using the 5/8" thick piece on a stockwhip, but is that the same thickness you use for your bullwhip handles? That is not what I use on my Indy handles or the majority of my other bullwhips that I make. It is what I use on the "hybrid bullwhips". They've been hybridized with...
by Robert Duke
Sun Jun 12, 2005 11:40 pm
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: David Morgan Handle Question
Replies: 23
Views: 1685

[ If you don't mind my asking, how thick is the cane piece you are using? I'd be curious to try to making a bullwhip this way, so you sparked my curiosity.... High Regards, -Indiana_Hall I have some pieces that range from almost 5/8" to nearly 7/8". On some of my stockwhips I split the ca...
by Robert Duke
Fri Jun 10, 2005 3:55 pm
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: David Morgan Handle Question
Replies: 23
Views: 1685

Lots of points to cover.... I use an 8" x 3/8" nail/spike for the foundation of my bullwhip handles. Occasionally someone may want a 10 or 12" handle. Then I would buy the appropriate length requested, but almost usually its 8". A snakewhip is a whip without a handle. Simon, I wo...
by Robert Duke
Mon May 23, 2005 11:54 am
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: WSP whip has arrived!
Replies: 17
Views: 1906

Vegeta Posted: It is IMHO..... David Morgan used 3 laces for the knot instead of 2....... Well, sorta. Its usually only one lace but "passes" are repeated. As you said DM did 3 passes and JS did 2 passes is correct, but they are two different knots also... though not all that different. DM...
by Robert Duke
Sat Apr 30, 2005 2:23 am
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: Tire kickin' for a new whip
Replies: 3
Views: 394

I agree with Paul Stenhouse about handle length for multiple cracking. I love lashing out with a bullwhip, but stockwhips or similar hybrids are for the multiple cracking routines .... Regarding DVDs, Mike Murphy has Fundamenta's of Whipcracking Techniques which will take you about as far as you'd e...
by Robert Duke
Sat Apr 30, 2005 2:07 am
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: Leather care
Replies: 12
Views: 1104

I am a Pecard dealer. You can send me a checkfor any of my products.
$5 for a 6 ounce tub plus S&H

Send me an email or pm if interested.

Robert Duke
by Robert Duke
Fri Apr 29, 2005 5:25 pm
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: Winrich whips
Replies: 28
Views: 1724

I too met Adam at the WWAC convention in Claremore OK (Tulsa area). I also liked his knot work. I've handled his budget Indy and it was heavy, but thats what gives it its zap. Well proportioned, tight plaiting and balanced to the end. IMO a good bang for the buck. To the length question for a first ...
by Robert Duke
Mon Apr 25, 2005 1:55 pm
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: Lighten the colour of a whip? (now with a picture)
Replies: 17
Views: 1691

I'm a bit surprised that no more whipmakers have piped in on this subject. You are not going to change the color of that whip. It's a fact. It's whiskey. There is nothing you can do short of spray painting it and we all know thats ridiculous. Whiskey is a fine color for many people and as long as it...
by Robert Duke
Thu Apr 07, 2005 5:11 pm
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: Just Out of Curiosity
Replies: 9
Views: 800

Sin City movie

Several months ago while Sin City was still in production I was contacted by them to supply some falls and poppers. I am not sure which whips they were using and I haven't seen the movie yet either. I heard thru the grapevine there is some whip action. I'd like to see it the movie soon to see what t...
by Robert Duke
Wed Apr 06, 2005 10:23 am
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: Just Out of Curiosity
Replies: 9
Views: 800

The Austrtalian whips are also lighter than the American style whips. I would guess either no bolsters with 2 plaited bellies or a single plaited belly with a bolster. They definitely do not have the beef as an American style whip. WSP has several whipmakers to fulfill their orders. A few are from A...
by Robert Duke
Wed Apr 06, 2005 10:01 am
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: Different Crack Techniques
Replies: 15
Views: 993

... I was pretty well versed in whip cracking and it wasn't long before I could put theory into practice - about a day in fact. I remember I could do all the basic cracks except the circus crack. With that one I always ended up hitting my backside. I related this problem to Robert Duke ( my whipmak...
by Robert Duke
Wed Mar 30, 2005 11:14 am
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: Morgan 10 footer $$$$$
Replies: 10
Views: 884

I have an order for 20 skins from Queensland, Australia now... I asked for 14 natural tans, 2 blacks, 2 saddle tans, 2 whiskeys, and 2 reds. They are not processing red colored roo skins at this time because they sell limited amounts. Another thing that bothers the whipmakers in this ever increasing...
by Robert Duke
Fri Mar 25, 2005 12:37 pm
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: Kangaroo Skins
Replies: 7
Views: 583

I just put in an order 3 weeks ago for my regular yearly order from Packers Tanning in Toowoomba.... and the price creeps up again this year... about 10% more than last year... the drought continues to ravage on... price is now $about $7.50 oer m2 plus freight, etc to Texas.... it does me no good t...
by Robert Duke
Sat Mar 05, 2005 10:08 am
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: Crackin' again!
Replies: 10
Views: 1009

Re: Crackin' again!

"...right there in the living room, I cracked my swivel handle whip, and ZING! got a sting right across the back of my neck. One of those drop your whip, wince hard, hold the wound and curse loudly kinda stings. . Snakewhip Sable, I laughed pretty good at that. Maybe you weren't meaning to be ...
by Robert Duke
Thu Mar 03, 2005 12:52 pm
Forum: Leather Jacket
Topic: Zipper wrong side
Replies: 12
Views: 1006

Another reason why drivers are on the left/wrong side of the road in the UK is probably from driving a horse carriage in the right seat. This way the carriage driver could lash the whip in his right hand, being that most drivers are right handed. Thus being in the right seat it was easier for the dr...
by Robert Duke
Wed Mar 02, 2005 10:48 pm
Forum: Leather Jacket
Topic: Zipper wrong side
Replies: 12
Views: 1006

It kind of reminds me of wimmens clothing as to how all their buttons and zippers can be "backwards" too. Isn't that odd also? Ever thot about why wimmens buttons are opposite of mens?
by Robert Duke
Wed Mar 02, 2005 6:33 pm
Forum: Leather Jacket
Topic: Zipper wrong side
Replies: 12
Views: 1006

Zipper wrong side

I've had my Wested Raiders lamb about a year now. I love it but... I've never asked or known about the zipper... is it suppose to zip up the opposite of normal? Maybe since it's British and they drive on the wrong side of the road too :)

Robert Duke
by Robert Duke
Wed Mar 02, 2005 10:52 am
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: Welcome back Indy whippersnappers
Replies: 1
Views: 213

Welcome back Indy whippersnappers

Its good to be back.

Keep on cracking the whip!

Robert Duke
by Robert Duke
Wed Jan 26, 2005 8:57 am
Forum: The Bullwhip (Sergei's Place)
Topic: Learn for Free from a whip 'expert'
Replies: 10
Views: 734

Seb, I will be performing at the Gaylord Hotel & Resort in Grapevine, Texas on Friday February 4th. Maybe while I am there in the DFW area we could do some whipcracking together on the Saturday morning afterwards. There is a big event on Friday evening for Shaw Industries in a 50,000 sq foot bal...