Search found 8 matches
- Wed Jun 17, 2009 6:26 pm
- Forum: The Fedora
- Topic: Show Us Your Worst Taper
- Replies: 29
- Views: 1764
Re: Show Us Your Worst Taper
Ah, Mothers. Bless their hearts, but they do the darnedest things sometimes. I lost a hat too. But the funniest story is perilously off topic. Indulge for a moment, folks.... I got a VHS copy of a performance of Mozart's opera, "The Magic Flute", or "Die Whistle Hokus-Pokus" in t...
- Tue Jun 16, 2009 11:09 pm
- Forum: The Fedora
- Topic: Show Us Your Worst Taper
- Replies: 29
- Views: 1764
Re: Show Us Your Worst Taper
Bending oak, I'm situated in our grande old Capitol. Some folks give Salem a bad rap, but it's a nice little burg for Oregon. It's no Portland, but that, in my estimation, is a good thing. Nothing wrong with P-town. One is enough.
- Tue Jun 16, 2009 1:55 pm
- Forum: The Fedora
- Topic: Show Us Your Worst Taper
- Replies: 29
- Views: 1764
Re: Show Us Your Worst Taper
We got a tornado warning here in Oregon a week ago and I went out in my little dorfman. While it fixed my crease a bit, it sure started to taper. That's when I decided to get my Akubra Adventurer. Not a baaaad taper, but it was worse and, ...
- Sun Jan 11, 2009 2:40 am
- Forum: The Fedora
- Topic: My old "Indy" fedora -- advice needed!
- Replies: 17
- Views: 945
Brody, My pal Charlie did not, of course die. He wanted to. He hates the heat. He's a fedora man too! Tends to like the 50's mini brims though. Comic book accurate! Sleuth! That is lovely! Made my night. I enjoy wearing my hat even though it's had the kick crapped out of it. This year I will hang it...
- Thu Jan 08, 2009 12:23 am
- Forum: The Fedora
- Topic: My old "Indy" fedora -- advice needed!
- Replies: 17
- Views: 945
GARRRR!!! :x It is. I sweated through the ribbon and then it turned GREEN!!! Green?!! I posted a what-do-I-do after I got this delightful green smear and i got some good suggestions that unfortunately did not work. I was going to replace the ribbon when I became very aware of just how sub-par the ha...
- Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:30 pm
- Forum: The Fedora
- Topic: AB Henry & Federation, side by side.
- Replies: 18
- Views: 1316
Mighty_Draw, thanks for the comments. I think all of us who are still meditating on what hat to get, or perhaps those of us just getting the wind up to buy one, really appreciate the time you and others like you take to show us how you are experiencing your hats. I was pretty sure I'd go for a Henry...
- Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:19 pm
- Forum: The Fedora
- Topic: My old "Indy" fedora -- advice needed!
- Replies: 17
- Views: 945
My DP fell off its perch when I was sleeping and I rolled over on it. Six hours later when I'm getting ready to go to work I'm looking for the thing and I find it... Flat as a pancake! Wish I had a picture of it but I'll be danged if I'm going to re-enact it, I just got it looking okay. I got a fift...
- Tue Sep 30, 2008 1:18 am
- Forum: The Fedora
- Topic: Official Factory Produced KotCS AdventureBilt Fedora (Henry)
- Replies: 1013
- Views: 103353