Search found 5 matches

Mon Sep 29, 2008 12:50 pm
Forum: Guns & Holsters
Topic: Resin Indy guns questions for owners/prospective buyers PIC
Replies: 410
Views: 32172

Has anyone here got their refund for this? I ordered one on the RPF months ago. I asked for a refund at the end of Aug. and still nothing. I got a rude reply around the 10th of him saying that it would be on or before the 30th of Sept. Well it is now the 29th and nothing not even a reply from my las...
Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:28 pm
Forum: General Gear (Lee's Place)
Topic: Indys Raiders Pocket knife
Replies: 23
Views: 1832

if you decide to do another run of orders of these count me in for 2. One to carry and one to put in my collection. Thanks.
Thu Jun 12, 2008 9:08 pm
Forum: Leather Jacket
Topic: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread
Replies: 1636
Views: 143752

cool. thanks for the info. I ordered mine right after the 22nd so should be started in the next couple weeks. Thanks again for the info.
Thu Jun 12, 2008 8:16 pm
Forum: Leather Jacket
Topic: Nowak Jacket Owners Thread
Replies: 1636
Views: 143752

I was wondering what the turn around time on jackets are? Not that I am getting impatient cause it has only been a few weeks, but I was just wondering when to expect it. Thanks.
Thu Jun 12, 2008 8:15 pm
Forum: Leather Jacket
Topic: My Tony Nowak adventure....
Replies: 56
Views: 3564

Hey, here is the thing. Everyone has a boss, so I would inquire and make a complaint about the theft of the canvas bag. I'm sure they don't take stealing to lightly. I know my job doesn't. It never hurts to stir the pot and see what floats to the surface. Or you can just chalk it up to a good story ...